Monday, November 28, 2011

10th and most likely last duck hunt

most of the ducks have headed out but we managed to find a pond w about 10,000 ducks and geese jammed into it.  by now they are very wary and smart  == tough to decoy.  but it was a nice day so we though we would give it a last shot.  joe brought brody on his first duck hunt.  i have to say for a three year old he did pretty well.  he did whine a little when he didnt shoot anything but that was just fine.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

duck hunts 8 and 9

we must be getting to the end of the season cause these ducks are way to smart and skiddish to by anything but northern ducks.  we have ditched the layout blinds to lower our profile and are now laying on the freezing ground covering up with cut cornstalks.  our success is marginal at best - seems like the ducks are just out of shooting range - with lows in the single digits its only a matter of time before they are gone for good.  hopefully one more good hunt!!!  on a side note - davis has been making some great retrieves but he still isnt sure about retrieving those big ol honkers...

Monday, November 14, 2011

8th day pheasant

headed out early hoping to scout some ducks near jamestown - didnt find much so continued.  ended up on a long walk with only 1 rooster to show for it.  i then decided to go to uncle wickis hunting shack and see if he was home.  he asked me to join him for a couple walks so it was perfect.  uncle wicki put us on some nice birds - and  a skunk that blasted davis.  super fun except for the skunk.  ended up w 8 roosters


Friday, November 11, 2011

duck hunt #6 and #7

the sixth and seventh duck hunt of the year were both on a wednesday.  other than being on the same day they had nothing in common.  on the morning hunt we saw very few birds.  what birds we saw decoyed nicely and produced some fine shooting.  on the evening hunt we saw thousands of birds.  however they were nearly impossible to decoy and produced very few shots.  it was a tale of two different hunts.  both fun non the less

two nice widgeons

Monday, November 7, 2011

mcville deer hunting

deer hunting in mcville is always one of the best hunts of the year.  joe and i got up to mcville about 10am friday and planned to stay through sunday evening.  big hopes of shooting a monster filled our thoughts and conversations on the ride up.  after a quick lunch we headed out to begin our hunt. it wasnt more than an hour and a half and two pushes before joe had bagged a nice 4x4.  shortly after on the next push i shot my buck - a small 4x4 but certainly big enough to make me a satisfied deer hunter.  dans deer took a little more work.  we pushed into friday evening and all day saturday to no avail.  it wasnt until about 11am on sunday when dan shot his deer.  definitely worth the wait -  a really nice 4x4.  based on the amount of deer we saw i would say we did great.  i only saw 4 bucks all weekend and we shot 3 of them.  it was once again a super fun weekend in mcville.