Monday, November 7, 2011

mcville deer hunting

deer hunting in mcville is always one of the best hunts of the year.  joe and i got up to mcville about 10am friday and planned to stay through sunday evening.  big hopes of shooting a monster filled our thoughts and conversations on the ride up.  after a quick lunch we headed out to begin our hunt. it wasnt more than an hour and a half and two pushes before joe had bagged a nice 4x4.  shortly after on the next push i shot my buck - a small 4x4 but certainly big enough to make me a satisfied deer hunter.  dans deer took a little more work.  we pushed into friday evening and all day saturday to no avail.  it wasnt until about 11am on sunday when dan shot his deer.  definitely worth the wait -  a really nice 4x4.  based on the amount of deer we saw i would say we did great.  i only saw 4 bucks all weekend and we shot 3 of them.  it was once again a super fun weekend in mcville.


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