Monday, October 31, 2011

duck field hunt #5

It seemed this duck hunt was doomed from the moment go.  First off I somehow got screwed up on the way to our usual spot (which I’ve been a hundred times) and got lost on the way to the field.  Second, by the time we got there it was almost shooting time so setup was rushed.  Lastly, the birds just never seemed to be there like they were the night before.  Don’t get me wrong, it was still a blast, but not the kind of hunt I had planned.  To make things worse I had my buddy Billy up from Minneapolis on talk of a world class duck hunt to rival a guided Canadian adventure.  Needless to say it wasn’t that kind of hunt.  However, we still had some fun shooting and saw a lot of birds.  Next time……

 winston the heater
 zoomba eyeing the birds before me
 billy was under dressed and cold
 the brothers
 tanner davis winston joe
tanner davis billy

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