Saturday, October 29, 2011

3 Day Pheasant hunt in Dickinson!!!

So this was an unbelievable 3 day hunt.  Everything seemed to work out in our favor.  The first day was Wednesday.  We arrived in Regent, ND at about 9.30 am and began our hunt.  Joe, Jeremy and I walked a draw/slough through the middle of a corn and wheat field.  Quickly we were able to shoot 4 birds.  From there we went down to Mott and were able to hunt on one of the Armstrong ranches.  This was a neat hunt – we had 11 guys and 6 dogs so we were sure to kick the birds up.  The birds here were smart and seemed to get up just out of range but we were still able to shoot about 17 or so. 
Day 2 was an interesting day.  I split away from Joe and Jeremy and hunted with the porter family and my dad.  We hunted with another big group of 11.  This time we were able to limit all 33 birds in a matter of a few hours.  It was great for me because I seemed to be in the right place at the right time all day and ended up bagging about 14 of the 33 birds. 
The final day was by far the best for me.  It was just my dad, Dan porter and me.  We were able to go and hunt mike Armstrong’s ranch in Richarton (about 5000 acres of river bottom/rolling hill countryside).  After a couple hours of little success my dad and Dan left to head back to Dickinson.  I ended up staying at the ranch and waited for Joe to finish up hunting with the Sinners and pick me up on his way out of town.  Once they left I was given some sage advice by the “oil king” himself, Mike Armstrong.  He told where he hunts when it’s just him and his dog.  So I headed out with Davis and set forth on the final hunt of the trip.  It was a great experience to have 5000 acres of rolling badlands all to yourself (and your dog) for the last hunt.  It took about 2.5 hours of zigzagging through the draws and grassy hills to get my 3 birds but in the end I succeeded.  The last 2 roosters were a double near the top of a deep ravine which we tracked for about 100 yards.  Incredible way to end the hunt!!!  The 4 hour car ride home was all about the great hunting stories from the trip.  It was a perfect way to end a memorable hunt.


 final 3 roosters of the trip - all you see is armstrongs ranch
 davis on armstrongs ranch
 the ravine where i got the final 3 birds of the trip
 armstrongs trap shooting station - - nice view
 the ranger i used to get from armstrongs cabin to the far corner of the property
 my dad driving armstrongs hunting rig
 more of davis on the ranch
 one of armstrongs cabins on the ranch
 2nd day slaughter - porters and corwins
 mike tanner matt and murphy
 mike porter shooting a pheasant - you can actually see the feathers getting blown off the bird if you look close
 davis on point for mike
 tim and dan
 bob and jeremy sinner

 tanner davis and birds
 tim and porters
joe lookin good

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