Tuesday, October 25, 2011

pheasant #4

pheasant hunt number 4 could have been the best, and quickest hunt of the year, but it wasnt.  i really didnt plan on hunting on sunday but i woke up at 5.15 and couldnt sleep so i said "what the hell" and went.  i decided to bring my nice little over under 20 gauge that i havent used in about a year.  the reason i havent used it is because i miss a lot of easy shots with it.  however this particular morning i decided i would give the gun another try.  after all, its the shooter not the gun right???  davis and i got to the field just before sunup and it looked perfect.  slough bottom next to a freshly cut corn field.  as soon as we started walking in i could hear the roosters crowing.  i knew we would find birds.  what happened next will haunt me for the rest of the year.  within 15 minutes davis had 3 perfect points on 3 roosters that jumped about 10 feet from me.  i only managed to shoot 1 of the 3.  good thing nobody was around to hear my curses and profanities.  following that walk i didnt manage another shot for the rest of the day (spent most of the time scouting anyway).  i ended up with a lonely headless rooster.  still a fun day in the field

PS -  anybody want a good deal on a nice 20gauge over under???

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