Friday, December 2, 2011

9th and 10th day pheasant

we struck out early tuesday hoping to do a combo duck and pheasant hunt - hopes were low for the ducks due to the low temps for the past few days.  the further west we went the more we realized we were a few days late for the ducks - all were south for the winter.  this was fine with  us.  now we could fully focus on pheasants.  we had terrific hunting over the next two days and only ended up 1 short of our 2 day limit - this was mostly because of hunter laziness.  we even secured some new hunting access from a generous farmer who was bribed with a couple cold bud lights!

4 proud dogs
joe surveying our newly found spot
i like the little hun in my hand
bad camera work with the shadows
limit for 2!
dogs ready to go
the road to glory

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