Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2nd Dove Hunt

based on my semi successful dove hunt from a few days ago i decided to give it another shot in the same location.  this time i brought my buddy dave with me.  we headed out at 5.45pm so it was a bit of a late start.  by the time we got set up it was close to 6.30.  there was not as many doves in the area this night but we still got some shooting in.  we ended up with 5 birds total (2 of which were never recovered).  another beautiful and fun night despite the lack of shooting

dave with davis
davis and me

pic of the wheat field where doves were feeding

watering hole is just before the pine trees.  we set up between wheat and watering hole

davis chillin in the heat
some of the dove decoys.  wind was perfect to keep the wings spinning on the far dove

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