Saturday, September 24, 2011

Duck season opens!!!

Ok, so duck season opened today and it was great.  beautiful morning, not too cold, no mosquitoes.  the hunt was about an hour west of fargo so we were wheels up at 4.45am.  started setting up the spread by 6 and were in the layout blinds by 6.40.  the season opened at 6.51 so we timed it perfect.  we started shooting right at 6.51 and was pretty steady till about 8.45.  we did make a small adjustment to the spread around 7.15 that seemed to help them bomb in a little better.  after 8.45 it petered out and was just some onezie twozies.  davis was the man on this hunt (not to brag but he was a retrieving machine).  winston did a great job of laying steady but didnt seem to have much interest in fetching ducks (although he did enjoy pulling their feathers out once davis retrieved them)

on a side note, i forgot to blog the last hunt.  it was a grouse hunt.  we didnt shoot anything and i forgot my camera...  end of story.

 davis, tanner, joe, winston, casey
 joe and winston

hitting it again tomorrow so hopefully i have some more good news to report

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