Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Duck hunt numero dos

the 2nd duck hunt of the year was in the same location as the first.  conditions were very similar - clear, warm and slight breeze out of the south.  we set up in the same location as the first day and waited for shooting time.  once 6.50 came it didnt take us long to realize that the ducks were preferring the slough adjacent to the one we set up on.  it seemed no matter how much we called or didnt call we couldnt get them to even look at our spread with any interest.  at about 7.15 casey and i decided to grab a handful of decoys and a mojo and head to the other slough.  our decision payed off handsomely.  casey and i ended up shooting not only our limits but the rest of the parties limits as well (all in about 2 hours!!!).  the ducks were mostly mallards and pintails with a couple teal and gadwalls.  all in all it was another great hunt!

 just before shooting time
 no wonder winston is so lazy.
 maybe it was daves pearly whites that scared the ducks away
 casey w the redneck hat
 josh chillin
 zoomba with his bounty
davis and i with the ducks

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